Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bon Jovi crew tell how the end of the show is just the beginning for them

Bon Jovi's road crew are the stars of this Daily Record article about the work that's required behind the scenes:
AS a sweat-soaked Jon Bon Jovi brings down the curtain on a blistering, three-hour set, the show is far from over for the 190-strong crew.

The 75,000 fans streaming out of Munich's Olympic Stadium are oblivious to the hustle and bustle backstage.

Within minutes of the band finishing their set, the crew swing into action, taking down the huge stage, packing it into 1000 flight cases and loading it on to one of 18 waiting trucks.

It's a scene crew chief Mike Rew calls "organised chaos".
Read the full article here.


  1. Hey, is that mention of a spilled drink on the mixing desk during a show that time when their sound went out the second time and there was hell to pay? I remember on Jovitalk those who said they knew what happened and that it was something like that.

  2. The article doesn't offer any clues as to whether it was the same show or not, but it could be.


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