"When you're a hired gun, your level of creative input is limited. Even when I toured with Bon Jovi, I couldn't be Richie, because I'm not. But I couldn't really be me, so I became this guy in the middle somewhere that was between the two. And I delivered that guy every night.
"When I did the first 13 shows with Bon Jovi in 2011, on Sunday night I played in St Louis, it was the last show. Jon asked me to sing the second verse of Wanted Dead Or Alive and it was in front of 20,000 people. When I came home on Friday, I played at The Roxy with The Drills. And to me it was as exciting – 200 people, my songs, doing my thing, with people in the front freaking out."
Listen to the full podcast episode (Phil X interview starts at about 20:42).
The documentary sounds like it would be really cool (and something I'd want to watch whether Phil was in it or not). Will you be checking it out?