Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jon Bon Jovi (THR) & Hugh McDonald (iBass) interviews

A couple of interviews I thought were worth watching.

Scott Feinberg interviewed Jon Bon Jovi for The Hollywood Reporter a while ago. In it, Jon talks about his career from its early beginnings right through to the passion he found working on the Stand Up Guys soundtrack. Probably one of the better interviews with JBJ in a long time.

Hugh McDonald is rarely seen speaking so I love it when he does. This is an interview earlier in the year with iBass Magazine. He talks about how the Beatles changed his life, playing with Bon Jovi, and being a bass player.


  1. Thanks for posting these - that was a great interview with JBJ & I don't think that I've ever heard Hugh give an interview!

    1. He's done a few including one with his wife Kelli about her Saintly Edge business, but they're rare.

  2. So, is JBJ releasing a solo soundtrack album plus a BJ album or r those 3 songs on the new BJ album?
    P.S. Good interview

    1. I took it to mean the soundtrack and new Bon Jovi album are separate but we'll soon see.


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